Your medical delivery request is instantly processed through our secure system, confirming all HIPAA-compliant protocols and specific handling requirements
Our certified courier arrives with specialized equipment, ensuring proper temperature control and containment measures for your sensitive medical materials.
Using real-time tracking and secure transport protocols, your medical items are carefully transported in our temperature-monitored vehicles, maintaining complete chain of custody.
Delivery confirmation is provided immediately upon secure handoff, complete with digital documentation and proof of proper handling throughout transit.
What stands out the most is their ability to adapt to unforeseen challenges. Even in the face of unexpected hurdles, the team at Neal’s Med Care remains resilient and finds innovative solutions to keep shipments on track. It`s this dedication to going above and beyond that truly sets them apart.
SeaMed Service
“I have been consistently impressed with the exceptional logistic services provided by Neal’s Med Care. Their dedication to ensuring timely deliveries and efficient handling of shipments is truly commendable. The team`s attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in every interaction I`ve had with them.
Road Fright Service
Reliable & Trustworthy
Entrust your medical deliveries to our certified, HIPAA-compliant team. We maintain strict chain of custody protocols, ensuring secure, confidential transport every time.
High Quality Equiptment
Equipped with state-of-the-art temperature monitoring systems and medical-grade transport containers, we ensure precise handling of your sensitive healthcare materials.